Celtic Coinage of Britain

third edition

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Plate 200

Modern Forgeries    (Info)

Imported Coinage    (Info)




Gallo-Belgic A





Gallo-Belgic B





Gallo-Belgic F and Xc

Gallo-Belgic F - Triple-Tailed Horse TypeV85-01-F1BlankGallo-Belgic XC - VE Monogram TypeV87-01-F1V87-01-F1 another


















All of the coins on this plate are Haslemere Forgeries. The most obvious error is the appearance of "Steps" on the curves of the image


Haslemere Steps






10 - 01 - F1    Imported Coinage

Large Flan Type

Gold Stater    7.71 gms.    21 mm


Earliest Record: Not published


Authentication: Condemned by George Boon as part of the Haslemere investigations, November 1985


Publications: Van Arsdell 1986c




Detection Points:

  - Haslemere steps

  - Incorrect metallurgy



  - Disposition unknown






10 - 01 - F2    Imported Coinage

Large Flan Type

Gold Stater     23 mm


Earliest Record: Auction, May 1980


Authentication: Condemned by Van Arsdell as part of the Haslemere investigations, May 1985


Publications: Van Arsdell 1886e, 1989a




Detection Points:

  - Haslemere steps

  - Die-cutting errors



  - Coin was returned to auctioneer






33 - 01 - F1    Imported Coinage

Defaced Die Type

Gold Stater    7.03 gms    19 mm


Earliest Record: Mack 1973


Authentication: Condemned by Van Arsdell as part of the Haslemere investigations, May 1986


Publications: Van Arsdell, 1986e



  - Mack 1973 lists acquisition date as 1956, this is a typo – Mack's original ticket indicates the correct date is 1966.


Detection Points:

  - Haslemere steps

  - Incorrect metallurgy



  - Returned to seller






85 - 01 - F1    Imported Coinage

Triple-Tailed Horse Type

Gold Stater    5.74 gms    19 mm


Earliest Records: Mack 1964, Mack 1973


Authentication: Condemned by Van Arsdell as part of the Haslemere investigations, October 1985


Publications: Van Arsdell 1986e



  - Mack acquisition date 1962


Detection Points:

  - Haslemere steps

  - Incorrect metallurgy



- Returned to seller






87 - 01 - F1    Imported Coinage

VE Monogram Type

Gold Stater    5.76 gms    17 mm


Earliest Record: Mack 1973


Authentication: Condemned by Van Arsdell as part of the Haslemere Investigations, May 1986


Publications: Van Arsdell 1986e



  - Mack acquisitioin date 1966


Detection Points:

  - Haslemere steps

  - Incorrect metallurgy



  - Returned to seller





V87-01-F1 another

87 - 01 - F1    Imported Coinage

VE Monogram Type

Gold Stater    6.25 gms.    17 mm


Earliest Record: Not published


Authentication: Condemned by Van Arsdell and George Boon as part of the Haslemere Investigations, November 1985


Publications: Van Arsdell 1986e




Detection Points:

  - Haslemere steps

  - Incorrect metallurgy



  - Disposition unknown





Modern Forgeries


For more information see "Forgeries" in the appendices on the navigation bar above.


Copyright R. D. Van Arsdell 2017